Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Conversation with Kathy Caraccio

Just had a long conversation with Kathy Caraccio, a master printer and teacher at New York University. She has taught silk aquatint which is a form of Collagraph for many years. Deborah Oden, one of our print-making teachers at SCAD gave me her information and I made contact with her as a SCAD Student Resident in New York. She was interested in my work and wanted to see my portfolio which it was the beginning of a very productive conversation and critic of my body of work that lasted four hours. I am just prepared to start a new journey by taking a class with her in Silk Aquatint to take my project concept  further. Before starting this journey I have  a homework to be completed at MoMa. I  have to watch Dali's movie created around the 1940's about the way he produced his work "Dali Atomicus". It was the way he painted the water introducing a surreal way and the meaning of leaving the bodies and other artifacts in the air. I will make a research of the use of photography at that time in order to create frozen scenes with bodies that are moving down responding to gravity. In the conversation we were also analyzing Trisha Brown's Dancing Company and making a relation with the control that a dancer needs when confronts gravity.  How is this related to my work? I have to find out and write an essay of it.

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